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Mapping the Social Relations of Labor in Contemporary Algorithmic Society
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s002085902400035x
Greg Downey

Moritz Altenried's The Digital Factory (2022) accomplishes in just under two hundred pages what many other books twice that length have struggled with: assembling a concise yet readable introductory map to the global, fragmented, and too-often hidden landscape of digitally-mediated capitalism. But the digital factory itself is an incomplete concept, almost always requiring us to look for the external and contingent labor support hidden just outside of its supposedly totalizing network of logistics, robotics and algorithms.



莫里茨·阿尔滕里德 (Moritz Altenried) 的《数字工厂》(2022 年)在不到 200 页的篇幅中完成了许多其他两倍长的书籍所难以完成的工作:组装了一张简洁而可读的介绍性地图,展示了全球性的、碎片化的、往往是隐藏的、以数字为媒介的资本主义景观。但数字工厂本身是一个不完整的概念,几乎总是需要我们寻找隐藏在其所谓的物流、机器人和算法的全面网络之外的外部和临时劳动力支持。
