Industrial Crops and Products ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.119672 Yanyang Mei, Jiapeng Gong, Baojun Wang, Shan Zhang, Guiying Lin, Youjian Zhu
Torrefaction was a promising pretreatment for enhancing biomass properties, and molten salt torrefaction could achieve superior torrefaction benefits at equivalent temperatures. To explore the difference between molten salt torrefaction (MT) and conventional torrefaction (CT) and the effect of which on the subsequent pyrolysis of biomass, torrefaction experiments at 260 ℃ and pyrolysis experiments were conducted in a horizontal furnace, a thermogravimetric mass spectrometry (TG-MS) and a pyrolysis gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), respectively. The results showed that the O/C of washed MT sample (MTw) decreased by 13.89 % and the volatile content decreased by 14.56 % compared with washed CT sample (CTw). Concurrently, the MTw sample demonstrated the highest calorific value and largest specific surface area among the samples. The maximum weight loss rate of MT sample during subsequent pyrolysis increased. In comparison with CT, MT could decrease the pyrolysis activation energy. Furthermore, MTw sample produced more H2 and CH4, while simultaneously less CO2 and CO during pyrolysis compared with CTw. The bio-oil derived from the MTw sample exhibited the lowest relative content of acidic compounds and the highest relative content of aromatic compounds, signifying its enhanced quality.

烘焙是一种有前途的增强生物质特性的预处理,熔盐烘焙可以在同等温度下实现卓越的烘焙效益。为了探究熔盐烘焙(MT)与常规烘焙(CT)的区别及其对生物质后续热解的影响,在卧式炉中进行了260 ℃烘焙实验和热解实验,热重质谱(TG) -MS)和热解气相色谱质谱法(Py-GC-MS)。结果表明,与水洗CT样品(CT w )相比,水洗MT样品(MT w )的O/C降低了13.89 %,挥发物含量降低了14.56 %。同时,MT w样品表现出样品中最高的热值和最大的比表面积。 MT样品在后续热解过程中的最大失重率有所增加。与CT相比,MT可以降低热解活化能。此外,与CT w相比,MT w样品在热解过程中产生更多的H 2和CH 4 ,同时产生更少的CO 2和CO。从 MT w样品中提取的生物油表现出最低的酸性化合物相对含量和最高的芳香族化合物相对含量,表明其质量得到提高。