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Efficient generation of 1O2 by activating peroxymonosulfate on graphitic carbon nanoribbons for water remediation
npj Clean Water ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41545-024-00383-w
Weijiang Tang, Zhengjie Wang, Sheng Guo, Rong Chen, Fengxi Chen

Few-layer graphitic carbon nanoribbons (GCN) with rich defective sites were prepared by pyrolysis at 800 oC in N2 of in situ-chelated Fe-polyaniline complexes synthesized via one-pot homogeneous Fenton-like oxidative polymerization of an acidic aniline solution. A minimal amount of iron (0.47 wt%) made a pivotal role in the nanoribbon growth and graphitization of GCN, and deposited highly dispersed iron species on GCN without post-synthesis acid leaching, which greatly simplified the synthesis procedure of GCN with improved yield. GCN exhibited high activity and stability for catalytic degradation of organic pollutants with peroxymonosulfate (PMS) mainly via non-radical pathways. The influences of various operating parameters on the catalytic performance of GCN were investigated. Scavenging tests, spin-trapping electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, electrochemical analyses, and theoretical calculations unveiled that 1O2 was the main reactive oxygen species generated from synergistic activation of PMS on GCN while GCN-mediated electron transfer made a minor contribution to organic degradation.


通过活化石墨碳纳米带上的过一硫酸盐有效生成 1O2 用于水修复

通过酸性苯胺溶液的一锅均相类芬顿氧化聚合合成的原位螯合铁-聚苯胺络合物在 N 2中于 800 o C 下热解,制备了具有丰富缺陷位点的少层石墨碳纳米带(GCN)。极少量的铁(0.47 wt%)在GCN的纳米带生长和石墨化中发挥了关键作用,并且在GCN上沉积了高度分散的铁物种,无需合成后酸浸,这大大简化了GCN的合成过程并提高了产率。 GCN主要通过非自由基途径催化过一硫酸盐(PMS)降解有机污染物,表现出高活性和稳定性。研究了不同操作参数对GCN催化性能的影响。清除测试、自旋捕获电子顺磁共振谱、电化学分析和理论计算表明, 1 O 2是GCN上PMS协同激活产生的主要活性氧,而GCN介导的电子转移对有机降解贡献较小。
