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Using simulated patients to teach de-escalation during Registered Nurses' onboarding
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101598
Julie Poore , Chassity L. Mays , Lisa McKibban , Zannah Harbert , Karen Schroedle

Workplace violence and aggression toward healthcare professionals are concerning trends in the industry, with increasing incidents over the last decade. The COVID-19 pandemic put additional stress on health systems, healthcare workers, patients, and family members. These additional stressors resulted in increased aggressive behaviors. Education and training on de-escalation techniques is paramount to increased safety of health professionals and patients. Nursing education programs and hospital orientation programs often lack de-escalation training. From January to October 2023, 102 nurses participated in a de-escalation simulation encounter. Quantitative and qualitative data was captured via Redcap survey. Facilitators tracked behaviors of the simulated patients and reactions of the nurses, in real-time, using a survey designed by the education team. Participants completed a post-survey which elicited information about prior de-escalation training and application of skills learned during the de-escalation simulation encounter to future practice. Sixty-five percent of new graduate nurses revealed that they had some form of de-escalation training most of which was provided through a lecture (36%) or online module (19%). Following participation in the simulation encounter, 98.5% of participants felt better prepared to manage an escalating patient/family member situation. Structured debriefings identified educational gaps regarding hospital resources, behavioral strategies for averting escalating incidents, methods for maintaining safety, and discreetly seeking assistance. The simulated patient training offered participants an opportunity to apply de-escalation techniques in a safe environment. Targeted de-escalation training using simulated patients increased the authenticity and realism of the immersive experience and resulted in enhanced de-escalation skill development in new hire nurses.



工作场所暴力和针对医疗保健专业人员的攻击行为是该行业的趋势,过去十年中此类事件不断增加。 COVID-19 大流行给卫生系统、医护人员、患者和家庭成员带来了额外的压力。这些额外的压力源导致攻击行为增加。降级技术的教育和培训对于提高卫生专业人员和患者的安全至关重要。护理教育计划和医院入职培训计划往往缺乏降级培训。 2023 年 1 月至 10 月,102 名护士参加了降级模拟遭遇战。定量和定性数据是通过 Redcap 调查获取的。辅导员使用教育团队设计的调查实时跟踪模拟患者的行为和护士的反应。参与者完成了一项事后调查,获取有关先前降级培训的信息以及将在降级模拟中学到的技能应用到未来实践中的信息。 65% 的新毕业护士透露,他们接受过某种形式的降级培训,其中大部分是通过讲座(36%)或在线模块(19%)提供的。在参与模拟遭遇后,98.5% 的参与者感到自己已经做好了更好的准备来应对不断升级的患者/家属情况。结构化汇报发现了医院资源、避免事件升级的行为策略、维护安全的方法以及谨慎寻求帮助方面的教育差距。模拟患者培训为参与者提供了在安全环境中应用降级技术的机会。 使用模拟患者进行有针对性的降级培训增加了沉浸式体验的真实性和现实感,并增强了新聘护士的降级技能发展。