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Health professions students' perspectives of a stigma-reducing simulation including simulated patients with lived experience of addiction and recovery
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101588
Kathleen A. Schachman , Kimberly Martini , Sherry Kaufman , Matthew L. Mitchell , Jill A. Covyeou , Adrienne Galbraith , Jennifer Feeney , Jill M. Brown , Trisha K. Charbonneau-Ivey

Stigma surrounding substance use disorders (SUDs) hinders treatment. This study explores perceptions of health professions students following simulation-based training involving individuals with lived experience of addiction and recovery. Thematic analysis of self-reflection narratives was conducted to identify themes. Thirty-three graduate students from various health disciplines participated. Four themes were identified: humanizing addiction, cultivation of hope, attitude of gratitude, and transformation and growth. Findings highlight contact-based simulations' potential to challenge stereotypes and foster empathy. Integrating stigma reduction interventions into health curricula is crucial. Contact-based simulation training shapes positive attitudes towards individuals with SUDs.



物质使用障碍 (SUD) 的耻辱阻碍了治疗。本研究探讨了健康专业学生在接受了涉及具有成瘾和康复经验的个人的模拟培训后的看法。对自我反思叙述进行主题分析以确定主题。来自不同健康学科的 33 名研究生参加了会议。确定了四个主题:人性化的成瘾、培养希望、感恩的态度以及转变和成长。研究结果强调了基于接触的模拟在挑战刻板印象和培养同理心方面的潜力。将减少耻辱干预措施纳入健康课程至关重要。基于接触的模拟训练塑造了对 SUD 患者的积极态度。