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The Effect of Simulation Teaching Method on Midwifery Students' Knowledge and Skills of Vaginal Examination in Labor: A Randomized Controlled Study
Clinical Simulation in Nursing ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecns.2024.101574
Döndü Batkın Ertürk , Ayşenur Kahraman , Ayşe Çataloluk

In recent years, simulation teaching has been widely used as a teaching method to improve midwifery students' practical skills. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the simulation teaching method on midwifery students' knowledge and skills of vaginal examination in labor. This is a randomized controlled experimental study and was conducted between November 08, 2022 and August 18, 2023. The research group consisted of third-year students in the midwifery department of a state university in Turkey . The study was completed with 32 students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. Student Identification Form, Vaginal Examination Procedural Information Form, Vaginal Examination Findings Record Form, and Vaginal Examination Knowledge Test were used as data collection tools. In the study, the Vaginal Examination Procedural Information Form score was found to be statistically significantly higher in the experimental group ( = .001). There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of the Vaginal Examination Knowledge Test score. Cervical effacement (U = 3.930; < .001), cervical dilatation (U = 4.781; < .001), and fetal descent (U = 4.608; < .001) accuracy scores were significantly higher in the experimental group compared to the control group. Teaching vaginal examination in labor with simulation improved midwifery students' vaginal examination skills by increasing their procedural knowledge and accuracy in vaginal examination assessments in the clinical setting.



近年来,模拟教学作为提高助产专业学生实践技能的教学方法被广泛采用。本研究旨在评价模拟教学法对助产士临产时阴道检查知识和技能的影响。这是一项随机对照实验研究,于2022年11月8日至2023年8月18日期间进行。研究小组由土耳其一所国立大学助产系的三年级学生组成。该研究由实验组 32 名学生和对照组 30 名学生完成。使用学生身份证明表、阴道检查程序信息表、阴道检查结果记录表和阴道检查知识测试作为数据收集工具。在研究中,发现实验组的阴道检查程序信息表评分在统计上显着较高 (= .001)。各组之间的阴道检查知识测试得分没有显着差异。与对照组相比,实验组的宫颈消失 (U = 3.930; < .001)、宫颈扩张 (U = 4.781; < .001) 和胎儿下降 (U = 4.608; < .001) 准确度得分显着更高对照组。通过模拟教学进行临产阴道检查,通过增加助产士学生的程序知识和临床环境中阴道检查评估的准确性,提高了他们的阴道检查技能。