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Different patterns of national innovation under COVID-19: The moderating role of culture
International Journal of Intercultural Relations ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.102058
Ling Liu , Hang Zheng , Yiwan Peng , Feng Zhu , Ting Xue

In the post-pandemic era, there has been a renewed examination of the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy, aiming to discern potential patterns within this intricate phenomenon. This study categorizes the spread of COVID-19 into five distinct phases, as delineated by , utilizing data from 115 nations within the Global Innovation Index. We analyzed the impact of the spread rate of COVID-19 on national innovation and the moderating role of collectivist culture during the period between 2020 and 2022. The results showed that collectivist culture positively moderated the correlation between the spread rate of COVID-19 and knowledge as well as technological output in the Entry and Takeoff phases. In the Proliferation phase, individualistic culture positively moderated the correlation between the spread rate of COVID-19 and national innovation, and in-group collectivist culture positively moderated the correlation between the spread rate of COVID-19 and the input and output of national innovation.



在后大流行时代,人们重新审视了 COVID-19 对全球经济的影响,旨在找出这一复杂现象中的潜在模式。本研究利用全球创新指数中 115 个国家的数据,将 COVID-19 的传播分为五个不同的阶段,如 所示。我们分析了2020年至2022年期间COVID-19传播率对国家创新的影响以及集体主义文化的调节作用。结果表明,集体主义文化正向调节COVID-19传播率与知识之间的相关性以及进入和起飞阶段的技术输出。在扩散阶段,个人主义文化正向调节COVID-19传播率与国家创新之间的相关性,群体内集体主义文化正向调节COVID-19传播率与国家创新投入产出之间的相关性。