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Multiculturalism in dominant ethnic populations: A transnational profile analysis
International Journal of Intercultural Relations ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.102051
Alessia Rochira , Serena Verbena , Erica Briozzo , Evelyn De Simone , Francesca Esposito , Rocío Garrido , Manuel García Ramírez , Virginia Paloma , Maria Vargas-Moniz , Terri Mannarini

Following a person-centered approach, the present study investigates support for multiculturalism of dominant ethnic members. Using Latent Profile Analysis, the current investigation aimed to identify subgroups of dominant ethnic participants and examine potential difference in their endorsement of multiculturalism towards subaltern ethnic groups. Based on the existing literature, subgroups of dominant members were identified along with the combination of multiple obstacles (i.e., national identity and intolerance) and resources (i.e., positive intergroup contact, psychological resilience and universalism) towards the endorsement of multiculturalism. Findings from a transnational sample of individuals (N. 636) across three Southern European Countries (i.e., Italy, Portugal and Spain) yielded five distinct profiles (i.e., Cosmopolitans, Glocals, Parochials, Resilient Intolerants and Disengaged). Also, they indicated that the identified subgroups differed on patterns of key psychosocial variables and degree of endorsement of multiculturalism. The majority of the sample (Cosmopolitans, Glocals and Disegnaged) show high level of multiculturalism, despite interesting differences characterized the distribution of the profiles across the three countries: the more intolerant profiles (Parochials and Resilient Intolerants) were prevalent in Italy. Contrarily to our expectations, national identity was not exclusionary per se, as has been reported elsewhere. Rather, depending on its combination with other key variables, it worked either as an obstacle or as a resource towards the support for multiculturalism of dominant ethnic members. Potential contributions of Latent Profile Analysis for an in depth understanding of multiculturalism and implications for interventions are discussed.



本研究遵循以人为本的方法,调查了对占主导地位的种族成员的多元文化主义的支持。目前的调查旨在利用潜在概况分析来识别占主导地位的种族参与者的亚群体,并检查他们对底层种族群体的多元文化主义认可的潜在差异。根据现有文献,确定了主导成员的亚群体,并结合多重障碍(即民族认同和不宽容)和资源(即积极的群体间接触、心理弹性和普遍主义)来支持多元文化主义。对三个南欧国家(即意大利、葡萄牙和西班牙)的跨国个人样本(N. 636)进行的调查结果得出了五种不同的特征(即世界主义者、全球本土主义者、狭隘主义者、弹性不宽容者和脱离接触者)。此外,他们还指出,所确定的亚组在关键社会心理变量的模式和对多元文化主义的认可程度方面存在差异。尽管这三个国家的分布特征存在有趣的差异,但大多数样本(世界主义者、全球本地人和不认同者)都表现出高度的多元文化主义:在意大利,较为不宽容的群体(狭隘的和有弹性的不宽容者)普遍存在。与我们的预期相反,正如其他地方报道的那样,民族认同本身并不具有排他性。相反,根据它与其他关键变量的结合,它要么成为支持主流种族成员多元文化主义的障碍,要么成为资源。 讨论了潜在概况分析对深入理解多元文化主义的潜在贡献以及对干预措施的影响。