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Generation of advanced glycation end products from glycated protein or fructose/glyoxal-protein adducts under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion
Food Chemistry ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141175
Xiaojin Yuan , Shuqing Feng , Jianuo Li , Ruixin Guo , Chenxi Nie , Ruohan Zhai , Aobai Tu , Xinyu Cao , Min Zhang , Juxiu Li

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a heterogeneous group of compounds formed both endogenously and exogenously through reactions between reducing sugars and amino acids within the proteins. The digestive tract may also serve as a site for endogenous AGEs generation. This study examined whether additional AGEs are formed during the digestion of glycated protein diets and meal-resembling systems (dietary proteins with fructose or glyoxal). The digestion of glycated protein showed that free AGEs were gradually released, but no additional AGEs were generated. In contrast, co-digestion of dietary proteins with fructose or glyoxal resulted in the formation of additional AGEs, and the reaction substrates (fructose or glyoxal) were depleted during digestion. Additionally, the lysine released from proteins decreased, leading to a loss of nutritional value of the food during co-digestion. The formation of AGEs and the depletion of essential amino acids in the gut may have significant implications for human health.



晚期糖基化终末产物 (AGEs) 是通过蛋白质内的还原糖和氨基酸之间的反应形成的内源性和外源性化合物。消化道也可能是内源性 AGEs 产生的场所。本研究检查了糖化蛋白饮食和类似膳食的系统(含果糖或乙二醛的膳食蛋白质)的消化过程中是否会产生额外的 AGEs。糖化蛋白消化显示游离 AGEs 逐渐释放,但没有产生额外的 AGEs。相比之下,膳食蛋白质与果糖或乙二醛的共消化导致额外的 AGEs 的形成,并且反应底物(果糖或乙二醛)在消化过程中被耗尽。此外,蛋白质释放的赖氨酸减少,导致食物在共消化过程中营养价值丧失。肠道中 AGEs 的形成和必需氨基酸的消耗可能对人类健康产生重大影响。