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Category-sensitive semi-supervised semantic segmentation framework for land-use/land-cover mapping with optical remote sensing images
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2024.104160
Jifa Chen , Gang Chen , Li Zhang , Min Huang , Jin Luo , Mingjun Ding , Yong Ge

High-quality land-use/land-cover mapping with optical remote sensing images yet presents significant work. Even though fully convolutional semantic segmentation models have recently contributed to popular solutions, the lack of annotation data may lead to severe degradations in their inference performance. Besides, the category confusion in high-resolution representations will further exacerbate the adverse effects. In this paper, we propose a category-sensitive semi-supervised semantic segmentation framework to address these weaknesses by employing massive unlabeled data. With the perturbations from adopted hybrid data augmentation structures, we first focus on the output space and execute regularization constraints to learn category-specific discriminative features. It is formulated with a consistency self-training procedure where a dynamic class-balanced threshold selection scheme is proposed to provide high-confident pseudo supervisions for each category. In addition, we introduce pixel-wise contrastive learning on the common embedding space from both labeled and unlabeled data domains to further facilitate the semantic dependencies among category features, in which the reliable labels are leveraged as guidance for pixel sample selection. We verify the proposed framework on two benchmark land-use/land-cover datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate its competitive performance to other state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods.


