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Enhancing Carrier Behavior via Controlled Molecular Film Formation Engineering Leads to Significant Improvement in Electroluminescence
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202415856
Jiasen Zhang 1 , Denghui Liu 2 , Deli Li 2 , Kexuan Sun 3 , Wei Li 3 , Yuanyuan Meng 3 , Chang Liu 3 , Yujie Wu 3 , Kaibo Fang 3 , Xilin Mu 3 , Chunyu Liu 3 , Shijian Su 2 , Ziyi Ge 4

We proposed a molecular pre-stacking strategy to minimize the defect density of states during the film formation process. Proof-of-concept emitter DspiroO-F-TRZ, featuring a fluorophenyl group, can form uniform nano-“cluster” structures in doped films, enabling fine-tuning of the film morphology during the film formation process, thereby reducing the density of defect states and minimizing the water/oxygen traps. Consequently, an optimized carrier dynamics process ensues, culminating in a lowered barrier for carrier injection, enhanced carrier transport rate, and increased recombination probability. Remarkably, the TADF-OLED based on DspiroO-F-TRZ has exhibited substantial enhancement compared to the control device, highlighting the contribution of nano-“cluster” structure in improving electroluminescence performance.



我们提出了一种分子预堆叠策略,以最小化成膜过程中的缺陷状态密度。概念验证发射器 DspiroO-F-TRZ 具有荧光苯基,可以在掺杂薄膜中形成均匀的纳米“团簇”结构,从而在成膜过程中对薄膜形态进行微调,从而降低缺陷态的密度并最大限度地减少水/氧陷阱。因此,优化的载流子动力学过程随之而来,最终降低了载流子注入的门槛,提高了载流子传输速率,并增加了复合概率。值得注意的是,与控制器件相比,基于 DspiroO-F-TRZ 的 TADF-OLED 表现出显着的增强,突出了纳米“簇”结构在提高电致发光性能方面的贡献。