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Utilizing solid-state nanopore sensing for high-efficiency and precise targeted localization in antiviral drug development
Analyst ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-16 , DOI: 10.1039/d4an00946k Wei Xu 1 , Lichun Zou 1 , Haiyan Wang 1 , Changhui Xu 1 , Qinyang Fan 1 , Jingjie Sha 1
Analyst ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-16 , DOI: 10.1039/d4an00946k Wei Xu 1 , Lichun Zou 1 , Haiyan Wang 1 , Changhui Xu 1 , Qinyang Fan 1 , Jingjie Sha 1
The efficient identification and validation of drug targets are paramount in drug discovery and development. Excessive costs, intricate procedures, and laborious sample handling frequently encumber contemporary methodologies. In this study, we introduce an innovative approach for the expeditious screening of drug targets utilizing solid-state nanopores. These nanopores provide a label-free, ultra-sensitive, and high-resolution platform for the real-time detection of biomolecular interactions. By observing the changes in relative ion currents over time after mixing different peptides with small molecule drugs, and supplementing this with noise analysis, we can pinpoint specific regions of drug action, thereby enhancing both the speed and cost-efficiency of drug development. This research offers novel insights into drug discovery, expands current perspectives, and lays the groundwork for formulating effective therapeutic strategies across a spectrum of diseases.