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Selective embolization with autologous fat to treat massive bleeding secondary to percutaneous renal biopsy
Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-15 , DOI: 10.1002/ccd.31224
Fabio Solis-Jiménez, Alexandra Perez-Zamorano, Guering Eid-Lidt, Gian Manuel Jimenez-Rodriguez

Bleeding following a percutaneous renal biopsy is a complication that can be life-threatening. Embolization of the bleeding artery is a procedure that can limit the damage; however, embolization devices can be costly or not immediately available. This is why we present the case of a 25-year-old man with a history of multiple thromboses who underwent a renal biopsy due to suspected systemic lupus erythematosus. Five days after the procedure, he developed hypovolemic shock. A CT scan was performed due to suspected hemorrhage and showed active bleeding at the renal biopsy site. Since embolization devices were not immediately available, selective embolization of the bleeding artery was successfully performed using autologous fat. It is known that embolization with coils is the most frequently used interventional procedure to stop bleeding secondary to renal biopsies. However, embolization with autologous fat is a proven technique to stop bleeding in coronary perforations. In this case, we adapted this technique to treat an actively bleeding renal artery secondary to a renal biopsy. Based on this case, we consider that this technique may be an alternative when coil embolization is not available.



经皮肾活检后出血是一种可能危及生命的并发症。出血动脉栓塞是一种可以限制损伤的手术;然而,栓塞装置可能价格昂贵或无法立即获得。这就是为什么我们介绍一名有多发性血栓病史的 25 岁男性病例,他因疑似系统性红斑狼疮而接受了肾活检。手术后五天,他出现低血容量休克。由于怀疑有出血,进行了 CT 扫描,结果显示肾活检部位有活动性出血。由于无法立即使用栓塞装置,因此使用自体脂肪成功地对出血动脉进行了选择性栓塞。众所周知,弹簧圈栓塞是最常用的止血继发肾活检的介入手术。然而,自体脂肪栓塞是一种行之有效的止血冠状动脉穿孔的技术。在这种情况下,我们采用这种技术来治疗继发于肾活检的活动性肾动脉出血。基于此案例,我们认为当弹簧圈栓塞不可用时,该技术可能是一种替代方法。