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Investigating employees’ occupational risks and benefits resulting from artificial intelligence: An empirical analysis
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.104036
Qi Wang , Xuanqi Liu , Ke-Wei Huang

With rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI), more employees are benefiting from or being replaced by AI. Nevertheless, we know little about the extent to which AI affects employees’ occupations positively. This study improves the methodologies for quantifying employees’ occupational AI benefits and risks. We propose three mechanisms by which AI may benefit employees’ careers: productivity-enhanced AI jobs, intelligence-augmented AI jobs, and AI-enabling jobs. We also conduct employee-level analyses regarding how employees’ skills, educational backgrounds, and demographics may correlate with occupational risk and AI benefits. Our results suggest that these key factors have distinct effects on different AI benefits.



随着人工智能 (AI) 的快速发展,越来越多的员工从 AI 中受益或被 AI 取代。然而,我们对人工智能对员工职业的积极影响知之甚少。本研究改进了量化员工职业 AI 收益和风险的方法。我们提出了 AI 可能使员工职业生涯受益的三种机制:生产力增强的 AI 工作、智能增强的 AI 工作和 AI 赋能工作。我们还对员工的技能、教育背景和人口统计数据与职业风险和 AI 福利的相关性进行员工层面的分析。我们的结果表明,这些关键因素对不同的 AI 益处有不同的影响。