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Global perspectives on organizational information systems issues: An enigma in search of a theoretical framework
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.104034
Prashant Palvia , Jaideep Ghosh , Tim Jacks , Alexander Serenko

Information Systems (IS) research paradigms, models and findings are largely developed in the context of the United States and Western Europe and thus are largely applicable to the Western world and have limited relevance elsewhere. One area of IS research interest to both practitioners and academics is the elicitation of organizational/management issues related to the use of information technology (IT). The US-based Society for Information Management conducts an annual survey on these issues, but its findings are limited to the US. Given the current ethnocentric approach, the World IT Project, among other topics, examined the organizational IS issues in 37 countries and found that, as expected, the organizational IS issues varied widely from one organization to another and from one country to another. To better understand the nature of these issues and their driving factors, we have developed a multitiered theoretical framework to unravel these factors. This framework comprises three layers: an outer layer with three national-level factors, a middle layer with two macro-IT factors, and an inner layer with three organizational-level factors. Furthermore, 17 propositions are supported by the World IT Project data and secondary data. Such a framework has been long overdue and offers both practitioners and researchers value in understanding the global IS landscape.



信息系统 (IS) 研究范式、模型和发现主要是在美国和西欧的背景下开发的,因此在很大程度上适用于西方世界,而在其他地方的相关性有限。从业者和学者都感兴趣的 IS 研究领域之一是引发与信息技术 (IT) 使用相关的组织/管理问题。总部位于美国的信息管理协会 (Society for Information Management) 每年都会对这些问题进行调查,但其调查结果仅限于美国。鉴于当前的种族中心主义方法,世界 IT 项目(World IT Project)等主题研究了 37 个国家/地区的组织 IS 问题,发现正如预期的那样,组织 IS 问题因组织而异,因国家而异。为了更好地理解这些问题的性质及其驱动因素,我们开发了一个多层次的理论框架来解开这些因素。该框架由三层组成:外层具有三个国家级因素,中间层具有两个宏观 IT 因素,内层具有三个组织级因素。此外,世界 IT 项目数据和二手数据支持 17 个主张。这样的框架早就应该了,它为从业者和研究人员提供了了解全球 IS 格局的价值。