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Sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism: The interaction between tourism enterprise and community
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.09.001
Xinying Zeng , Yaoqi Li , Chun Zhang , Xueru Yang

Sustainable entrepreneurship is an effective way to address tourism externalities to achieve sustainable tourism development. However, few studies have focused on how to improve sustainable entrepreneurial performance, which is a key issue for sustainable entrepreneurship research in tourism. While existing studies have emphasized the value of partnerships in achieving sustainability goals, little is known about how partnerships should be formed and the process mechanisms that influence sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism. Using a mixed-method approach, this study finds that the collaboration between tourism enterprises and communities, which helps form stable partnerships, can promote active co-construction of sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities to reduce resource barriers and interest conflicts, and thus enhance tourism sustainable entrepreneurship performance. This study introduces the opportunity construction perspective to facilitate the understanding of sustainable tourism entrepreneurship and to provide guidance for the design of sustainable development policies.


