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How Were European GPs/FPs Involved in the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign? A European Questionnaire Study about the Experiences of the Vaccinations in 2021.
Healthcare ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-06 , DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12171785
Imre Rurik 1 , Péter Torzsa 1

BACKGROUND The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has become the greatest public health challenge worldwide. Soon after the appearance of the virus in 2019, intensive efforts to develop vaccines were initiated, and by late 2020, delivery of vaccines for the targeted population as a campaign had started. AIM Collect information from European Union countries regarding how and to what extent were family physicians (FPs)/general practitioners (GPs) involved in the vaccination campaigns in 2021 and how these were organized at the national level. METHOD A short questionnaire was distributed through the secretariats of WONCA (World Organization of Family Doctors) Europe and the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC). RESULTS In most of the countries, participation of FPs/GPs was compulsory. The vaccination was usually centrally organized by governmental authorities. In the beginning, registration (web-based) of patients was required, mainly at the national level. By the middle of 2021, vaccination on a walk-in basis became available in almost every country for the first immunization as well as for the booster injections. The remunerations of GPs/FPs differed; in some countries, no extra payments were offered. The Pfizer vaccine was used in all countries, while in nine countries, non-European Medicines Agency (EMA)-approved vaccines were also given in primary care settings and at vaccination centers. In some countries, professional homepages helped the GPs. The involvement of primary health care (PHC) providers did not correlate to the vaccination coverage of the entire population of the respective countries. It was the highest in the more developed countries with higher living standards, where participation of GPs was voluntary and appropriate financial incentives were offered to them. CONCLUSIONS The vaccination campaign was a professional and logistic challenge and an excellent performance of PCH providers. Experiences gained could be used in the future to manage similar pandemic challenges.


欧洲 GP/FP 如何参与 COVID-19 疫苗接种活动?关于 2021 年疫苗接种经历的欧洲问卷调查。

背景 SARS-CoV-2 大流行已成为全球最大的公共卫生挑战。 2019年病毒出现后不久,就开始紧锣密鼓地研发疫苗,到2020年底,为目标人群提供疫苗的运动已经开始。 AIM 从欧盟国家收集有关家庭医生 (FP)/全科医生 (GP) 如何以及在多大程度上参与 2021 年疫苗接种活动以及这些活动在国家层面如何组织的信息。方法 通过 WONCA(世界家庭医生组织)欧洲秘书处和欧洲初级保健论坛(EFPC)分发一份简短的调查问卷。结果 在大多数国家,FP/GP 的参与是强制性的。疫苗接种通常由政府当局集中组织。一开始,需要对患者进行注册(基于网络),主要是在国家一级。到 2021 年中期,几乎每个国家都可以进行首次免疫接种和加强注射。 GP/FP的薪酬不同;在一些国家,不提供额外付款。所有国家都使用了辉瑞疫苗,而在九个国家,初级保健机构和疫苗接种中心也接种了未经欧洲药品管理局 (EMA) 批准的疫苗。在一些国家,专业主页为全科医生提供了帮助。初级卫生保健(PHC)提供者的参与与各自国家全体人口的疫苗接种覆盖率并不相关。在生活水平较高的较发达国家中,这一比例是最高的,这些国家全科医生的参与是自愿的,并为他们提供了适当的经济激励。 结论 疫苗接种活动是一项专业和后勤方面的挑战,也是 PCH 提供者的出色表现。未来可以利用获得的经验来应对类似的大流行挑战。