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Syndromic Surveillance in Public Health Emergencies: A Systematic Analysis of Cases Related to Exposure to 2023 Floodwaters in Romagna, Italy.
Healthcare ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12171760
Marco Montalti 1, 2 , Marco Fabbri 3 , Raffaella Angelini 3 , Elizabeth Bakken 4 , Michela Morri 4 , Federica Tamarri 1 , Chiara Reali 1 , Giorgia Soldà 2, 5 , Giulia Silvestrini 3 , Jacopo Lenzi 6

BACKGROUND In May 2023, Romagna, Italy, faced a devastating flood resulting in 16 fatalities, forced displacement of 26,000 citizens, and significant economic losses. Due to potential water contamination, implementing public health strategies became imperative for the Local Health Authority to mitigate the health consequences, analyze the flood's impact on the local population's health, and detect early anomalies requiring timely public health interventions. METHODS Between June and July 2023, general practitioners who were part of the RespiVirNet surveillance network completed weekly structured forms. These forms collected data on individuals exposed or not to floodwaters and clinical syndromes. Rates per 1000 resident population aged > 14 were stratified by district, week of observation, and symptomatology. Missing data were addressed by imputation using second-order autoregressive modeling. RESULTS An incidence of 3.52 syndromes potentially related to flood water exposure per 1000 individuals (95% CI 2.82-4.35) was estimated. Ravenna, the city most affected by the flood, recorded the highest rate (6.05 per 1000, 95% CI 4.59-7.82). Incidence decreased in the weeks post-event. Anxiety, or trauma and stress symptoms, exhibited higher rates among the exposed, diminishing over weeks. The incidence for the non-exposed (12.76 per 1000, 95% CI 10.55-15.29) showed no significant territorial differences compared to the exposed ones. CONCLUSIONS Syndromic surveillance provided timely information on the flood's health impact, revealing a higher incidence of individual syndromes among the non-exposed. This study contributes to guiding the implementation of future public health preparedness and response strategies for populations facing similar natural disasters.


突发公共卫生事件中的症状监测:对意大利罗马涅 2023 年洪水暴露相关病例的系统分析。

背景 2023 年 5 月,意大利罗马涅遭遇毁灭性洪水,造成 16 人死亡、26,000 名公民被迫流离失所,并造成重大经济损失。由于潜在的水污染,地方卫生当局必须实施公共卫生战略,以减轻健康后果,分析洪水对当地居民健康的影响,并发现需要及时采取公共卫生干预措施的早期异常情况。方法 2023 年 6 月至 7 月期间,属于 RespiVirNet 监测网络的全科医生完成了每周结构化表格。这些表格收集了接触或未接触洪水的个人和临床症状的数据。每 1000 名 > 14 岁常住人口的发病率按地区、观察周和症状进行分层。通过使用二阶自回归模型插补来解决缺失数据。结果 每 1000 人中估计有 3.52 种可能与洪水暴露相关的综合症发生率 (95% CI 2.82-4.35)。受洪水影响最严重的城市拉文纳 (Ravenna) 的发病率最高(每 1000 人 6.05,95% CI 4.59-7.82)。事件发生后几周内发生率下降。焦虑、创伤和压力症状在暴露者中表现出较高的比例,并在几周内逐渐减少。与暴露者相比,非暴露者的发病率(12.76/1000,95% CI 10.55-15.29)没有显示出显着的地域差异。结论 症状监测及时提供了有关洪水对健康影响的信息,揭示了非暴露人群中个体症状的发生率较高。这项研究有助于指导针对面临类似自然灾害的人群实施未来的公共卫生准备和应对策略。