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Anxiety and Depression after Spinal Cord Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Healthcare ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-03 , DOI: 10.3390/healthcare12171759
Brigida Molina-Gallego 1 , María Idoia Ugarte-Gurrutxaga 1 , Laura Molina-Gallego 2 , Fernando Jesús Plaza Del Pino 3 , Juan Manuel Carmona-Torres 1 , Esmeralda Santacruz-Salas 1

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life-changing event that often results in chronic physical damage and challenges in maintaining a good quality of life as it affects every aspect of life. These situations require adjustment, increasing vulnerability to psychological disorders. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of SCI on psychological morbidity in individuals with subacute and chronic SCI. The present investigation was designed to determine the presence and extent of psychological complications following SCI. We used two reliable questionnaires and validated psychological assessments to study depression (BDI) and anxiety (STAI), a broad range of factors derived from SCI that may be predictors of certain psychological problems. The psychological assessment revealed alterations in depression and anxiety, although the data do not exceed those of previous investigations. No clear predisposing factors leading to certain psychological pathologies were found. In addition, individuals in the subacute and chronic stages differed in their scores. In individuals with SCI, identifying predictors of psychological problems is difficult, but premature assessment of mental state is essential. This early diagnosis of possible problems or changes at the mental level is fundamental and necessary to avoid possible alterations at the cognitive level and, of course, more serious mental complications.



脊髓损伤 (SCI) 是一种改变生活的事件,通常会导致慢性身体损伤,并给维持良好生活质量带来挑战,因为它影响生活的各个方面。这些情况需要调整,从而增加了心理障碍的脆弱性。本研究的目的是评估 SCI 对亚急性和慢性 SCI 个体心理发病率的影响。本调查旨在确定 SCI 后心理并发症的存在和程度。我们使用两份可靠的问卷和经过验证的心理评估来研究抑郁 (BDI) 和焦虑 (STAI),这些源自 SCI 的广泛因素可能是某些心理问题的预测因子。心理评估显示抑郁和焦虑的变化,尽管数据没有超过之前的调查数据。没有发现导致某些心理病理的明显诱发因素。此外,亚急性和慢性阶段的个体得分也不同。对于 SCI 个体,确定心理问题的预测因素很困难,但过早评估心理状态至关重要。对心理层面可能出现的问题或变化进行早期诊断对于避免认知层面可能发生的变化以及更严重的心理并发症至关重要,也是必要的。