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Parental self-efficacy and early language development in deaf and hard-of-hearing children
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-15 , DOI: 10.1093/jdsade/enae036
Carrie A Davenport 1 , Elaine Smolen 2, 3 , Irina Castellanos 4 , Evelien Dirks 5, 6 , Derek M Houston 7, 8

This study examined the relationship between parental self-efficacy in parents of young deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children and children’s spoken language skills. A retrospective within-subjects study design was used that included 24 mother–child dyads with DHH children. Parental self-efficacy was assessed using the Scale of Parental Involvement and Self-Efficacy–Revised. Children’s language abilities were assessed using the Preschool Language Scale–5th edition. Our data revealed no significant associations between global measures of parental self-efficacy and children’s auditory comprehension, expressive communication, and total language scores. However, positive correlations were found between child language skills and specific parents’ beliefs about their ability to support their child’s spoken language development, their ability to use strategies to help their child communicate, and their active involvement in intervention. Findings highlight the importance of examining discrete aspects of parental self-efficacy as it specifically relates to parents supporting their DHH child’s spoken language development. Future directions and implications are provided.



本研究探讨了年轻聋哑儿童父母的自我效能感与儿童口语技能之间的关系。采用回顾性受试者内研究设计,其中包括 24 名 DHH 儿童的母子二人组。使用父母参与和自我效能量表(修订版)评估父母的自我效能感。使用学前语言量表第五版评估儿童的语言能力。我们的数据显示,父母自我效能的总体衡量指标与儿童的听觉理解力、表达性沟通和语言总分之间没有显着关联。然而,研究发现,儿童语言技能与特定家长对他们支持孩子口语发展的能力、他们使用策略帮助孩子沟通的能力以及他们积极参与干预的信念之间存在正相关关系。研究结果强调了检查父母自我效能的各个方面的重要性,因为它特别与父母支持 DHH 孩子的口语发展有关。提供了未来的方向和影响。