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Toward a Gender Equality at Work via Activism The Role of Transparent Internal Communication
International Journal of Business Communication ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-14 , DOI: 10.1177/23294884241274783
Yeunjae Lee 1 , Jo-Yun Queenie Li 2 , Xiao Ma 1

Grounded in the Social Identity Model of Collective Actions (SIMCA), this study examines the role of strategic internal communication—specifically, transparent communication—in fostering gender equality at work via women’s workplace activism: collective actions and communicative behaviors. Results from an online survey of 402 female employees in South Korea suggest that transparent communication plays an important role in increasing women’s identification with their organizations, thereby fostering their efficacy and reducing perceived injustice. This, in turn, increased their active communicative behaviors and collective actions for promoting gender equality in the workplace. Theoretical implications for strategic internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) communication are discussed along with avenues for future research.


通过行动主义实现工作中的性别平等 透明内部沟通的作用

本研究以集体行动的社会认同模型 (SIMCA) 为基础,探讨了战略性内部沟通(特别是透明沟通)在通过女性工作场所积极行动(集体行动和沟通行为)促进工作中性别平等方面的作用。对韩国 402 名女性员工进行的在线调查结果表明,透明的沟通在提高女性对组织的认同感方面发挥着重要作用,从而提高她们的效率并减少感知到的不公正现象。这反过来又增加了她们积极的沟通行为和促进工作场所性别平等的集体行动。讨论了战略性内部多元化、公平和包容性 (DEI) 沟通的理论意义以及未来研究的途径。