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Immigration and the Boundaries of Black Political Subjecthood in Argentina and Chile
International Migration Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-14 , DOI: 10.1177/01979183241277544
Antonia Mardones Marshall 1

In the last two decades, the Argentine and Chilean states have passed laws and policies targeting Afro-descendant populations. But while Argentine law has institutionalized Afro-descent through a broad notion of African ancestry and African-based culture, the Chilean state has legally defined Afro-descent in relation to a particular history, culture, and identity connected to a long-standing presence in the national territory. In this paper, I examine the role of immigration in explaining how Afro-descendant subjecthood has been legally constructed and institutionalized in each national context. Through archival and interview-based research, I analyze how classification struggles within each Afro-descendant movement and between Afro-descendant activists and the state frame claims and strategies for legal inclusion, ultimately impacting how the boundaries of Afro-descent are defined and institutionalized in each national context. Immigrants’ early participation within the Afro-Argentine movement promoted heterogenous political framings, but feelings of threat drove some Afro-Argentine activists to emphasize nativist claims. This has produced a diversity of legislation and policies that target different populations, including immigrants—what I refer to as a “transnational-racial” model. In Chile, immigrants have not participated prominently in the Afro-descendant movement, but they have been present in the imaginaries of activists and state officials debating legislative and policy measures. Afro-Chileans’ political success requires not being seen as foreigners by state officials, driving them to emphasize their national belonging. Thus, Black subjecthood has been institutionalized targeting Afro-Chileans who share a common history and culture while excluding immigrants—what I refer to as a “national-ethnic” model.



在过去的二十年中,阿根廷和智利各州通过了针对非洲人后裔的法律和政策。但是,虽然阿根廷法律通过非洲血统和非洲文化的广泛概念将非洲人后裔制度化,但智利政府却在法律上将非洲人后裔定义为与长期存在于非洲的特定历史、文化和身份有关。国家领土。在本文中,我研究了移民在解释非洲人后裔主体地位如何在每个国家背景下合法构建和制度化方面所扮演的角色。通过档案和基于访谈的研究,我分析了每个非洲人后裔运动内部以及非洲人后裔活动家与国家之间的分类斗争如何制定法律包容的主张和策略,最终影响非洲人后裔的边界如何在非洲人后裔中定义和制度化。每个国家的具体情况。移民早期参与非裔阿根廷运动促进了异质的政治框架,但威胁感驱使一些非裔阿根廷活动家强调本土主义主张。这就产生了针对不同人群(包括移民)的多样化立法和政策——我将其称为“跨国种族”模式。在智利,移民并没有主要参与非洲人后裔运动,但他们却出现在积极分子和国家官员辩论立法和政策措施的想象中。非裔智利人的政治成功需要不被国家官员视为外国人,从而促使他们强调自己的民族归属感。 因此,黑人主体性已经制度化,针对拥有共同历史和文化的非裔智利人,同时排斥移民——我将其称为“民族-族裔”模式。