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Quantum entanglement and Bell inequality violation at colliders
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2024.104134
Alan J. Barr , Marco Fabbrichesi , Roberto Floreanini , Emidio Gabrielli , Luca Marzola

The study of entanglement in particle physics has been gathering pace in the past few years. It is a new field that is providing important results about the possibility of detecting entanglement and testing Bell inequality at colliders for final states as diverse as top-quark, -lepton pairs and -baryons, massive gauge bosons and vector mesons. In this review, after presenting definitions, tools and basic results that are necessary for understanding these developments, we summarize the main findings—as published by the beginning of year 2024—including analyses of experimental data in meson decays and top-quark pair production. We include a detailed discussion of the results for both qubit and qutrits systems, that is, final states containing spin one-half and spin one particles. Entanglement has also been proposed as a new tool to constrain new particles and fields beyond the Standard Model and we introduce the reader to this promising feature as well.



过去几年,粒子物理学中纠缠的研究一直在加快步伐。这是一个新领域,它提供了关于在对撞机上检测纠缠和测试贝尔不等式的可能性的重要结果,最终状态包括顶夸克、轻子对和重子、大规范玻色子和矢量介子。在这篇综述中,在介绍了理解这些发展所需的定义、工具和基本结果之后,我们总结了 2024 年初发布的主要发现,包括对介子衰变和顶夸克对产生的实验数据的分析。我们详细讨论了 qubit 和 qutrits 系统的结果,即包含自旋二分之一和自旋一粒子的最终状态。纠缠也被提议作为一种新工具来约束标准模型之外的新粒子和场,我们也向读者介绍了这一有前景的功能。