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Extending Shelf-Life of Two-Step Method Precursor Solutions through Targeted Regulation for Highly Efficient and Reproducible Perovskite Solar Cells
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-14 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411708
Jiajun Ye 1 , Wangping Sheng 2 , Jiacheng He 2 , Yang Zhong 2 , Yikun Liu 2 , Kaikai Liu 2 , Licheng Tan 3 , Yiwang Chen 4

The commercialization of PVSCs is hindered by poor reproducibility due to the chemical instability of the solution-processed materials. We first observe that the aging phenomenon is more pronounced in the precursor solution of the two-step sequential method compared to that in the one-step method due to the difference in the used solvents. Here, an effective targeted strategy for precursor stabilization by introducing benzene-1,3-dithiol (BDT) and decamethylferrocene (FcMe10) additives into the organic amine salt solution and the PbI2 precursor solution, thus extending the shelf-life of the two-step precursor solutions.



由于溶液处理材料的化学不稳定性,PVSCs 的商业化受到可重复性差的阻碍。我们首先观察到,由于所用溶剂的不同,两步顺序法的前驱体溶液中的老化现象比一步法的前驱体溶液更为明显。在这里,通过将苯-1,3-二硫醇 (BDT) 和十甲基二茂铁 (FcMe10) 添加剂引入有机胺盐溶液和 PbI2 前驱体溶液中,从而延长两步前驱体溶液的保质期,这是一种有效的靶向前驱体稳定策略。