Nature Biotechnology ( IF 33.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s41587-024-02397-8 Daniel Grushkin 1
Art made by yeast, painted by a robot on an agar canvas: the obscure art of Petri dish painting is flourishing. It has a long history. Arguably, the trend may have started with Alexander Fleming himself, when in 1928 his artistic eye helped him spot the odd cloud of fungus in that Petri dish, which famously led to penicillin. Fleming was, after all, a member of the renowned Chelsea Arts Club and painted portraits, scenes of mothers and children, and sporting events. In his lab in Central London, however, his brush was a loupe used for inoculation; his canvas, agar in a Petri dish; and his palette, a colorful collection of microbes.
Credit: Katie Gee Salisbury中文翻译:
由酵母制作的艺术,由机器人在琼脂画布上绘画:培养皿绘画的晦涩艺术正在蓬勃发展。它有着悠久的历史。可以说,这一趋势可能始于亚历山大·弗莱明 (Alexander Fleming) 本人,1928 年,他的艺术眼光帮助他发现了培养皿中奇怪的真菌云,这就是著名的青霉素的诞生。毕竟,弗莱明是著名的切尔西艺术俱乐部的成员,他画肖像、母亲和孩子的场景以及体育赛事。然而,在他位于伦敦市中心的实验室里,他的刷子是用于接种的放大镜。他的画布,培养皿中的琼脂;和他的调色板,色彩缤纷的微生物集合。