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Addressing key risk factors for suicide at a societal level
The Lancet Public Health ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00158-0
Jane Pirkis 1 , Jason Bantjes 2 , Rakhi Dandona 3 , Duleeka Knipe 4 , Alexandra Pitman 5 , Jo Robinson 6 , Morton Silverman 7 , Keith Hawton 8

A public health approach to suicide prevention recognises the powerful influence of social determinants. In this paper—the fifth in a Series on a public health approach to suicide prevention—we consider four major risk factors for suicide (alcohol use, gambling, domestic violence and abuse, and suicide bereavement) and examine how their influence on suicide is socially determined. Cultural factors and societal responses have an important role in all four risk factors. In the case of alcohol use and gambling, commercial entities are culpable. This Series paper describes a range of universal, selective, and indicated interventions that might address these risk factors, and focuses particularly on key universal interventions that are likely to yield substantial population-level benefits.


