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The association between digital addiction and interpersonal relationships: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Clinical Psychology Review ( IF 13.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2024.102501
Xun Yang 1 , Tingting Liao 1 , Yan Wang 2 , Lifeng Ren 3 , Jianguang Zeng 4

Digital addiction (DA) has been identified as an emerging public health problem worldwide. However, the extent and direction of the association between DA and interpersonal relationships (IRs) are unknown. Does DA have adverse effects on IRs, and how credible is the evidence for this association in published analyses of real-world data? Using the PRISMA method, we conducted a meta-analysis to quantitatively synthesize the results of the relevant studies and obtain reliable effect size estimates and performed an analysis of moderating factors. A systematic literature search identified 98 studies involving 134,593 participants and 99 effect sizes. A significant negative association was observed between DA and IRs. Importantly, our meta-analysis revealed that the DA subtype has no significant moderating effect on IRs, suggesting that combining numerous categories of DA rather than focusing on specific forms of DA may be appropriate for understanding the relationship between DA and IRs. Relative to the IR subtype, the association between DA and offline relationships is significant and negative, whereas the association between DA and online relationships is significant and positive. The strength of the relationship is also influenced by the participants' sex ratio, educational level, and measurement tools. These results may help resolve the disagreement over the magnitude and direction of the association between DA and IRs and have potential implications for the treatment of DA.



数字成瘾 (DA) 已被确定为全球范围内新出现的公共卫生问题。然而,DA 与人际关系 (IRs) 之间关联的程度和方向尚不清楚。DA 是否对 IR 有不利影响,在已发表的真实数据分析中,这种关联的证据可信度如何?使用 PRISMA 方法,我们进行了荟萃分析,定量综合了相关研究的结果,获得了可靠的效应量估计,并进行了调节因素分析。一项系统的文献检索确定了 98 项研究,涉及 134,593 名参与者和 99 个效应量。在 DA 和 IR 之间观察到显著的负相关。重要的是,我们的荟萃分析显示 DA 亚型对 IR 没有显着的调节作用,这表明结合众多类别的 DA 而不是专注于特定形式的 DA 可能适合理解 DA 和 IR 之间的关系。相对于 IR 亚型,DA 与离线关系之间的关联是显著且负的,而 DA 与在线关系之间的关联是显著且积极的。这种关系的强度还受到参与者的性别比例、教育水平和测量工具的影响。这些结果可能有助于解决对 DA 和 IRs 之间关联幅度和方向的分歧,并对 DA 的治疗具有潜在影响。