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Rise in Gender Dysphoria Diagnoses and Legal Gender Changes in Sweden: 2005–2017
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02993-4
Emma Claesdotter-Knutsson 1, 2 , Mitchell J Andersson 2, 3 , Matti Cervin 2 , Carl Delfin 2 , Anders Håkansson 2, 3 , Niroshani Broman 2, 3

Evidence suggests the incidence of gender dysphoria (GD), a condition characterized by psychological distress caused by a mismatch between an individual’s gender identity and biological sex assigned as birth, has increased since the turn of the twenty-first century. We examined trends in the number of GD diagnoses and legal gender changes in Sweden using registry data from 5007 individuals diagnosed with GD between 2005 and 2017 (53.5% assigned female at birth). GD diagnoses increased substantially over time, especially in birth-assigned females and younger age groups. One-third of all subjects with GD legally changed their gender, with an increase of 1000% from 2005 to 2018. Generally, individuals who were assigned female at birth changed their gender earlier than birth-assigned males, and most did so within one year of GD diagnosis. Our findings highlight the need to analyze the causes and correlations of rapid changes in clinical presentation and to prepare healthcare systems for rising patient demand.


瑞典性别焦虑诊断的增加和合法的性别变化:2005-2017 年

有证据表明,自 21 世纪初以来,性别焦虑症 (GD) 的发病率有所增加,GD 是一种以个人的性别认同与出生时分配的生理性别不匹配而引起的心理困扰为特征的疾病。我们使用 2005 年至 2017 年间 5007 名被诊断患有 GD 的个体的登记数据(53.5% 的出生时被指定为女性)检查了瑞典 GD 诊断数量和法定性别变化的趋势。随着时间的推移,GD 诊断大幅增加,尤其是在出生分配的女性和更年轻的年龄组中。三分之一的 GD 受试者合法改变了他们的性别,从 1000 年到 2005 年增加了 2018%。一般来说,出生时被指定为女性的个体比出生时被指定为女性的个体更早改变性别,并且大多数在 GD 诊断后一年内发生。我们的研究结果强调了分析临床表现快速变化的原因和相关性的必要性,并为医疗保健系统为不断增长的患者需求做好准备。
