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Spatio-temporal mechanisms of consolidation, recall and reconsolidation in reward-related memory trace
Molecular Psychiatry ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02738-8
Adam Hamed 1 , Miron Bartosz Kursa 2 , Wiktoria Mrozek 1 , Krzysztof Piotr Piwoński 2 , Monika Falińska 1 , Konrad Danielewski 3 , Emilia Rejmak 4 , Urszula Włodkowska 1 , Stepan Kubik 5 , Rafał Czajkowski 1

The formation of memories is a complex, multi-scale phenomenon, especially when it involves integration of information from various brain systems. We have investigated the differences between a novel and consolidated association of spatial cues and amphetamine administration, using an in situ hybridisation method to track the short-term dynamics during the recall testing. We have found that remote recall group involves smaller, but more consolidated groups of neurons, which is consistent with their specialisation. By employing machine learning analysis, we have shown this pattern is especially pronounced in the VTA; furthermore, we also uncovered significant activity patterns in retrosplenial and prefrontal cortices, as well as in the DG and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus. The behavioural propensity towards the associated localisation appears to be driven by the nucleus accumbens, however, further modulated by a trio of the amygdala, VTA and hippocampus, as the trained association is confronted with test experience. Moreover, chemogenetic analysis revealed central amygdala as critical for linking appetitive emotional states with spatial contexts. These results show that memory mechanisms must be modelled considering individual differences in motivation, as well as covering dynamics of the process.



记忆的形成是一种复杂的、多尺度的现象,特别是当它涉及来自不同大脑系统的信息整合时。我们研究了空间线索与安非他明给药之间的新颖且综合的关联之间的差异,使用原位杂交方法来跟踪回忆测试期间的短期动态。我们发现远程回忆组涉及更小但更巩固的神经元组,这与其专业化一致。通过使用机器学习分析,我们发现这种模式在 VTA 中尤其明显;此外,我们还发现了压后皮质和前额叶皮质以及海马 DG 和 CA3 亚区的显着活动模式。相关定位的行为倾向似乎是由伏隔核驱动的,然而,当训练有素的关联面临测试经验时,进一步受到杏仁核、腹侧被盖区和海马体三者的调节。此外,化学遗传学分析表明,中央杏仁核对于将食欲情绪状态与空间背景联系起来至关重要。这些结果表明,记忆机制的建模必须考虑动机的个体差异,并涵盖过程的动态。
