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In situ observation of ocean response to tropical cyclone in the western North Pacific during 2022
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1445071
Hailun He , Zheng Ling , Shouchang Wu , Xinyan Lyu , Zheng Zeng , Ruizhen Tian , Yuan Wang , Jia Sun

We deployed 8 surface drifters in the western North Pacific in 2022. By integrating the Global Drifter Program’s data, we analyzed the drifter-based sea surface currents and temperatures during tropical cyclones. The maximum in-situ surface current observed was 0.70 m/s during typhoon Hinnamnor. Our surface drifters provided similar observations as compared to an adjacent Global Drifter Program’s drifter. Furthermore, we investigated float profiling observations during tropical cyclones. Based on Argo float 2903647, the SST decreased by 1.4oC after the passage of typhoon Hinnamnor. This study demonstrates the reliability of our newly deployed surface drifters and exhibits the state-of-the-art capability for in-situ observations of tropical cyclone-ocean interaction.



2022年,我们在北太平洋西部部署了8个表面漂流器。通过整合全球漂流器计划的数据,我们分析了热带气旋期间基于漂流器的海面流和温度。在台风 Hinnamnor 期间观测到的最大原位表面电流为 0.70 m/s。与邻近的全球漂流者计划的漂流者相比,我们的表面漂流者提供了类似的观察结果。此外,我们还研究了热带气旋期间的浮标剖面观测。根据Argo浮标2903647,台风Hinnamnor通过后海温下降了1.4℃。这项研究证明了我们新部署的表面漂流器的可靠性,并展示了热带气旋与海洋相互作用的现场观测的最先进的能力。