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Entropic uncertainty relations and quantum Fisher information of top quarks in a large hadron collider
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.110.055025
Biao-Liang Ye, Li-Yuan Xue, Zhi-Qiang Zhu, Dan-Dan Shi, Shao-Ming Fei

We employ the entropic uncertainty relations and the quantum Fisher information to explore the formation of quark tt¯ pairs at the Large Hadron Collider through the combination of qq¯ pair and gg pair initiated processes. A comprehensive analysis has been undertaken on the procedure of quark and gluon channel mixing in the production of top quark pairs tt¯, encompassing the tightness of the entropic uncertainty inequalities and the maximum quantum Fisher information of the system.



我们利用熵不确定性关系和量子费希尔信息来探索夸克的形成 tt¯ 通过组合在大型强子对撞机上配对 qq¯ 配对和 gg 配对启动的进程。对顶夸克对产生过程中夸克和胶子通道混合的过程进行了全面分析 tt¯ ,包含熵不确定性不等式的紧密性和系统的最大量子费希尔信息。