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The ambiguity-resolved detector: a detector for the mixed-integer GNSS model
Journal of Geodesy ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s00190-024-01885-8
P. J. G. Teunissen

In this contribution, we introduce the ambiguity-resolved (AR) detector and study its distributional characteristics. The AR-detector is a new detector that lies in between the commonly used ambiguity-float (AF) and ambiguity-known (AK) detectors. As the ambiguity vector can seldomly be known completely, usage of the AK-detector is questionable as reliance on its distributional properties will then generally be incorrect. The AR-detector resolves the shortcomings of the AK-detector by treating the ambiguities as unknown integers. We show how the detector improves upon the AF-detector, and we demonstrate that the, for ambiguity-resolved parameter estimation, commonly required extreme success rates can be relaxed for detection, thus showing that improved model validation is also possible with smaller success rates. As such, the AR-detector is designed to work for mixed-integer GNSS models.


模糊度解析检测器:混合整数 GNSS 模型的检测器

在这篇文章中,我们介绍了模糊度解析(AR)检测器并研究了其分布特征。 AR 检测器是一种介于常用模糊度浮动 (AF) 和模糊度已知 (AK) 检测器之间的新型检测器。由于模糊向量很少能被完全知晓,因此 AK 检测器的使用是有问题的,因为对其分布特性的依赖通常是不正确的。 AR 检测器通过将歧义视为未知整数来解决 AK 检测器的缺点。我们展示了检测器如何改进 AF 检测器,并且我们证明,对于模糊性解决的参数估计,通常需要的极端成功率可以放宽以进行检测,从而表明改进的模型验证也可以以较小的成功率实现。因此,AR 探测器设计用于混合整数 GNSS 模型。
