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Intercropping with Robinia pseudoacacia reduces soft rot incidence in konjac by modulating the root bacterial community
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8405
Panpan Meng 1 , Kexu Xin 1 , Zhoumin Lu 1 , Juan Chen 2 , Xiaan Tang 1 , Guihua Meng 1 , Fei He 3 , Lieping Liu 4 , Haihua Wang 5 , Chunyan Wang 1

Soft rot (Pectobacterium aroidearum and Dickeya) is a devastating soil-borne bacterial disease that threatens konjac production. Intercropping with false acacia has been shown to significantly reduce soft rot incidence in konjac by shifting the microbial community. However, how intercropping shapes the root bacterial community and affects soft rot incidence remains unclear. To address this, we investigated three konjac intercropping systems (false acacia, paulownia, and maize) to explore the relationships among intercropping, soft rot incidence, root bacterial community, soil enzyme activity, and soil properties.



软腐病(Pectobacterium aroidearumDickeya)是一种毁灭性的土壤传播细菌病害,威胁着魔芋的生产。与假金合欢间作已被证明可以通过改变微生物群落来显着降低魔芋的软腐病发生率。然而,间作如何塑造根系细菌群落并影响软腐病的发生率仍不清楚。为了解决这个问题,我们研究了三种魔芋间作系统(假金合欢、泡槐和玉米),以探索间作、软腐病发生率、根系细菌群落、土壤酶活性和土壤特性之间的关系。