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Constraints, suffering, and surfacing repertoires among Gambian migrants in Italy
Language in Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s0047404524000423
Marco Santello

This article explores one underestimated aspect of language in migration settings, namely the experience of not being in full control of circumstances and doing. Recent research has indeed highlighted aspects such as transcendence of boundaries, hinting at a version of multilingualism among migrants that does not feature enough of their experience of constraints. In contrast, other scholars have emphasised structural inequalities often focusing on macro-social pressures that migrants have to navigate. Approaching lived experiences as they emerge while researcher and informant build rapport-in-talk, the study concentrates on a young Gambian in Italy. He speaks of a lack of institutional support and being in a position where certain languages cannot be used, despite concrete help from a local NGO and personal efforts. The data also show suffering beyond language-related constraints and the progressive mutual surfacing of linguistic repertoires in interaction, evidencing more broadly the merits of this type of qualitative study. (Migration, constraints, Gambia, Italy)*



本文探讨了移民环境中语言的一个被低估的方面,即无法完全控制环境和行为的体验。最近的研究确实强调了诸如超越边界等方面,暗示移民中的多种语言并没有充分体现他们的限制经历。相比之下,其他学者则强调结构性不平等,往往关注移民必须应对的宏观社会压力。这项研究关注的是意大利的一名年轻的冈比亚人,探讨了研究人员和线人在谈话中建立融洽关系时出现的生活经历。他谈到,尽管有当地非政府组织的具体帮助和个人的努力,但缺乏机构支持,并且某些语言无法使用。这些数据还显示了超越语言相关限制的痛苦以及交互中语言库的逐渐相互显现,更广泛地证明了此类定性研究的优点。 (移民、限制、冈比亚、意大利)*