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Towards the autonomous defence capabilities of the European Union: Upgrading cyber defence policy
Global Policy ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.13412
Eimys Ortiz Hernández 1

Cyber attacks against the EU and its Member States have increased in recent times, which demonstrates the rapid blurring of the boundaries between the civilian and military components of cyberspace. Indeed, these events clearly highlight the critical interdependence between physical and digital infrastructures. While Member States have different and divergent perceptions of the prevailing threats, the EU, as guarantor of security, has been implementing strategies since the early 2000s to pursue a joint action aligned with the objective outlined in Article 24 of the TEU, namely, a common European defence also in cyberspace. This paper will thoroughly analyse the latest European initiative on cyber defence policy, adopted in November 2022, to highlight new aspects and previous elements trying to answer whether we are making any real progress in this area.



近年来,针对欧盟及其成员国的网络攻击有所增加,这表明网络空间的民用和军事部分之间的界限正在迅速模糊。事实上,这些事件清楚地凸显了物理基础设施和数字基础设施之间的关键相互依赖关系。尽管成员国对当前威胁有不同的看法,但欧盟作为安全保障者,自 2000 年代初以来一直在实施战略,以采取符合《TEU》第 24 条概述的目标的联合行动,即建立共同的安全保障体系。欧洲的防御也在网络空间。本文将深入分析 2022 年 11 月通过的最新欧洲网络防御政策倡议,突出新的方面和先前的要素,试图回答我们是否在这一领域取得了任何真正的进展。