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Early perspective taking predicts later cognitive flexibility: A longitudinal study
Infant and Child Development ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-11 , DOI: 10.1002/icd.2537
Daniela Kloo 1 , Larissa J. Kaltefleiter 1 , Beate Sodian 1

Perspective taking and cognitive flexibility are important abilities for navigating our everyday lives. In this longitudinal study with 108 children (61 girls, mostly White), we investigated the developmental relation between Level 1 perspective taking at 27 months of age and Level 2 perspective taking at 52 months of age as well as relations to cognitive flexibility at 52 months of age. We found that early perspective taking was significantly related to later, more complex perspective taking abilities as well as to cognitive flexibility. This highlights the importance of early perspective taking abilities for later perspective understanding and flexible cognition.



换位思考和认知灵活性是我们日常生活的重要能力。在这项针对 108 名儿童(61 名女孩,大部分是白人)的纵向研究中,我们调查了 27 个月大时的 1 级观点采择与 52 个月大时的 2 级观点采择之间的发展关系,以及 52 个月时与认知灵活性的关系的年龄。我们发现,早期的观点采择与后来更复杂的观点采择能力以及认知灵活性显着相关。这凸显了早期观点采择能力对于后来的观点理解和灵活认知的重要性。