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Speech-Language Pathologist Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction: Resources in Special Education Eligibility Decisions.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1044/2024_lshss-23-00195
Anne C Reed 1 , Kelly Farquharson 1

PURPOSE Situated within the conservation of resources theory, this study sought to understand how resources such as self-efficacy, job satisfaction, caseload size, and geographic location influence the number of data sources used by school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to determine eligibility. METHOD Using a cross-sectional descriptive design, 665 school-based SLPs from the United States reported professional demographics, workload, and assessment/eligibility characteristics, as well as levels of job satisfaction and self-efficacy. Multiple regression was used to examine the effects of self-efficacy, job satisfaction, caseload size, and geographic location on the number of data sources used in eligibility decision making and to examine the effects of caseload size and job satisfaction resources on SLP self-efficacy. RESULTS SLPs, on average, reported using 7.98 data sources to support eligibility determinations. Standardized tests, conversation samples, and review of records were most used, and literacy assessments were used least. Results of multiple regression models indicate that SLPs with higher self-efficacy scores reported using significantly more data sources and that SLPs with higher job satisfaction indicated significantly higher self-efficacy. CONCLUSIONS This study affirms self-efficacy as a strong resource for school-based SLPs and that it is, in fact, related to the number of data sources used in eligibility decisions. Limited literacy assessment was reported, despite the SLP's critical role in an educational setting. Job satisfaction as a predictor of self-efficacy and self-efficacy, in turn, as a predictor of data sources underscore the need for SLPs to advocate for work conditions that support their work.



目的 位于资源守恒理论的基础上,本研究旨在了解自我效能感、工作满意度、病例量和地理位置等资源如何影响学校语言病理学家 (SLP) 用于确定资格的数据源数量。方法 使用横断面描述性设计,来自美国的 665 名学校 SLP 报告了专业人口统计、工作量和评估/资格特征,以及工作满意度和自我效能感水平。多元回归用于检查自我效能感、工作满意度、案件量和地理位置对资格决策中使用的数据源数量的影响,并检查案件量规模和工作满意度资源对 SLP 自我效能感的影响。结果 SLP 平均使用 7.98 个数据源来支持资格确定。标准化测试、对话样本和记录审查使用最多,而识字评估使用最少。多元回归模型的结果表明,自我效能感得分较高的 SLP 使用的数据来源明显更多,而工作满意度较高的 SLP 表明自我效能感显着更高。结论 本研究肯定自我效能感是基于学校的 SLP 的重要资源,事实上,它与资格决策中使用的数据源数量有关。尽管 SLP 在教育环境中发挥着关键作用,但据报道识字评估有限。工作满意度作为自我效能感和自我效能感的预测指标,反过来又作为数据源的预测指标,强调了 SLP 需要倡导支持其工作的工作条件。