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Phys. Rev. B
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Role of bath-induced many-body interactions in the dissipative phases of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.125415 Brett Min 1 , Kartiek Agarwal 2, 3 , Dvira Segal 1, 1
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.125415 Brett Min 1 , Kartiek Agarwal 2, 3 , Dvira Segal 1, 1
The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain is a prototype example of a symmetry-protected topological insulator. Coupling it nonperturbatively to local thermal environments, either through the intercell or the intracell fermion tunneling elements, modifies the topological window. To understand this effect, we employ the recently developed reaction-coordinate polaron transform (RCPT) method, which allows treating system-bath interactions at arbitrary strengths. The effective system Hamiltonian, which is obtained via the RCPT, exposes the impact of the baths on the SSH chain through renormalization of tunneling elements and the generation of many-body interaction terms. By performing exact diagonalization and computing the ensemble geometric phase, a topological invariant, which is applicable even to systems at finite temperature, we distinguish the trivial band insulator (BI) from the topological insulator (TI) phases. Furthermore, through the RCPT mapping, we are able to pinpoint the main mechanism behind the extension of the parameter space for the TI or the BI phases (depending on the coupling scheme, intracell or intercell), which is the bath-induced, dimerized, many-body interaction. We also study the effect of on-site staggered potentials on the SSH phase diagram and discuss extensions of our method to higher dimensions.
沐浴引起的多体相互作用在 Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 模型耗散阶段中的作用
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 链是对称保护拓扑绝缘体的原型示例。通过单元间或单元内费米子隧道元件将其无扰动地耦合到局部热环境,从而修改拓扑窗口。为了理解这种效应,我们采用了最近开发的反应坐标极化子变换(RCPT)方法,该方法允许以任意强度处理系统与浴的相互作用。通过 RCPT 获得的有效系统哈密顿量,通过隧道单元的重正化和多体相互作用项的生成,揭示了槽对 SSH 链的影响。通过执行精确的对角化并计算系综几何相位(一种拓扑不变量,甚至适用于有限温度下的系统),我们将平凡带绝缘体(BI)与拓扑绝缘体(TI)相位区分开来。此外,通过 RCPT 映射,我们能够查明 TI 或 BI 相参数空间扩展背后的主要机制(取决于耦合方案、细胞内或细胞间),即浴诱导的、二聚化的、多体交互。我们还研究了现场交错电势对 SSH 相图的影响,并讨论了我们的方法向更高维度的扩展。

沐浴引起的多体相互作用在 Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 模型耗散阶段中的作用
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 链是对称保护拓扑绝缘体的原型示例。通过单元间或单元内费米子隧道元件将其无扰动地耦合到局部热环境,从而修改拓扑窗口。为了理解这种效应,我们采用了最近开发的反应坐标极化子变换(RCPT)方法,该方法允许以任意强度处理系统与浴的相互作用。通过 RCPT 获得的有效系统哈密顿量,通过隧道单元的重正化和多体相互作用项的生成,揭示了槽对 SSH 链的影响。通过执行精确的对角化并计算系综几何相位(一种拓扑不变量,甚至适用于有限温度下的系统),我们将平凡带绝缘体(BI)与拓扑绝缘体(TI)相位区分开来。此外,通过 RCPT 映射,我们能够查明 TI 或 BI 相参数空间扩展背后的主要机制(取决于耦合方案、细胞内或细胞间),即浴诱导的、二聚化的、多体交互。我们还研究了现场交错电势对 SSH 相图的影响,并讨论了我们的方法向更高维度的扩展。