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Three decades of WTO dispute settlement: insights from bibliometric literature review and future research agenda
International Journal of Law and Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 , DOI: 10.1108/ijlma-07-2024-0248
Iqra Yaseen , Mohammad Shafi Sofi


The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive systematic literature review using bibliometric approach to investigate the academic structure of World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement research.


The study examines the bibliographic information for 1,858 articles from Scopus and the Australian Business Deans Council-indexed journals published between 1995 and 2024 using Dimensions.ai and Google Scholar search engines. Exploratory-cum-descriptive research design with bibliometric approach is used to answer the stated literature review research questions.


The data shows a gradual decline in WTO-Dispute Settlement System (WTO-DSS) research relative to the total international business area in the three decades. Developed countries appear as key contributors to the research, with the USA and the UK standing out as the most productive and influential research countries. The study shows a significant change in the focus of this research corpus from legalized to non-legalized approaches, with a greater emphasis on transparency and environmental sustainability. The research identifies global politics and international trade law as influential subjects in the discipline.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the study is a first of its kind where bibliometric approach has been used to study the evolution of WTO-DSS literature. The study adds to the understanding of WTO Dispute Settlement research patterns and recommends future research options.






该研究使用 Dimensions.ai 和 Google Scholar 搜索引擎检查了 1995 年至 2024 年间发表的 Scopus 和澳大利亚商学院院长委员会索引期刊中的 1,858 篇文章的书目信息。采用文献计量方法的探索性和描述性研究设计用于回答所述文献综述研究问题。




据作者所知,这项研究首次使用文献计量方法来研究 WTO-DSS 文献的演变。该研究增加了对世贸组织争端解决研究模式的理解,并提出了未来的研究选择。
