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Time as a Category in Survivors’ Reports About Child Sexual Abuse: An Explorative Approach to Lifetime Abuse
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241264525
Sabine Andresen 1

Since the 1990s, cases of serious violence and abuse, particularly sexual abuse in educational and social institutions of the Catholic Church, have been reported in numerous countries, including Ireland, the United States, and Australia. In many countries, commissions have been set up to investigate the widespread cases of abuse that could not be prosecuted under criminal law. The testimonies of survivors and other witnesses are used by the commissions of inquiry in their work. Since 2016 the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany has collected more than 2,500 reports from survivors of child sexual abuse. Forty-four testimonies were analyzed in a study seeking to understand more about lifetime abuse. In an explorative analysis, aspects of time as a key category in the reports were identified using the structured content analysis method. The results highlight the importance of time in the reports and during all phases of the survivors’ lives. Overall, four themes are relevant: (a) the identification of turning points, (b) time to make sense of what happened, (c) the practice of waiting, and (d) time-bound experiences of testifying.



自 1990 年代以来,包括爱尔兰、美国和澳大利亚在内的许多国家都报告了严重暴力和虐待案件,尤其是天主教会教育和社会机构中的性虐待案件。在许多国家,已经设立了委员会来调查根据刑法无法起诉的普遍虐待案件。幸存者和其他证人的证词被调查委员会用于他们的工作。自 2016 年以来,德国儿童性虐待独立调查 (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany) 已经收集了 2500 多份儿童性虐待幸存者的报告。在一项旨在更多地了解终身虐待的研究中分析了 44 个证词。在探索性分析中,使用结构化内容分析方法确定了作为报告中关键类别的时间方面。结果突出了时间在报告中和幸存者生活各个阶段的重要性。总的来说,有四个主题是相关的:(a) 确定转折点,(b) 理解所发生的事情的时间,(c) 等待的做法,以及 (d) 有时限的作证体验。