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Tackling toxins: Case studies of industrial pollutants and implications for climate policy
Regulation & Governance ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1111/rego.12626
Tim Bartley 1 , Malcolm Fairbrother 2, 3, 4

As scholars race to address the climate crisis, they have often treated the problem as sui generis and have only rarely sought to learn from prior efforts to make industrial operations greener. In this paper, we consider what can be learned from other shifts away from polluting substances. Drawing on literatures on corporate regulatory strategies and evolving regulatory interactions, we argue for a focus on configurations of regulatory scrutiny and industrial reform, which we then consider through case studies of several major industrial pollutants. We consider the phaseout of ozone‐depleting substances, which has often been cited as a model for mitigating climate change, plus three other cases: per‐ and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), leaded fuel, and mercury. We highlight four configurations of regulatory scrutiny and industrial reform: (1) progressive substitution (of ozone‐depleting substances); (2) regrettable substitution (in the first waves of PFAS regulation); (3) knock‐on substitution (in the phaseout of leaded fuel); and (4) narrow substitution (in the case of mercury). These configurations, and the processes that generated them, provide novel lenses for understanding climate mitigation and confronting obstructionism. They point to the diversity of positions that corporate actors may take in the face of potential or actual public regulation, and the possibility of notable divides across and within given industries, which can facilitate meaningful reforms.



当学者们竞相解决气候危机时,他们往往将这个问题视为独特的问题,并且很少寻求从先前使工业运营更加绿色的努力中学习。在本文中,我们考虑了可以从其他远离污染物质的转变中学到什么。借鉴有关企业监管策略和不断演变的监管互动的文献,我们主张重点关注监管审查和产业改革的配置,然后通过对几种主要工业污染物的案例研究来考虑这一点。我们考虑逐步淘汰臭氧消耗物质(这种物质经常被引用为缓解气候变化的典范),以及其他三种情况:全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)、含铅燃料和汞。我们强调监管审查和产业改革的四种配置:(1) 逐步替代(消耗臭氧层物质); (2)令人遗憾的替代(在第一波PFAS监管中); (3) 连锁替代(逐步淘汰含铅燃料); (4) 狭义替代(就汞而言)。这些配置以及生成它们的过程为理解气候缓解和对抗阻挠提供了新的视角。他们指出,面对潜在或实际的公共监管,企业行为者可能采取多种立场,以及特定行业之间和内部可能出现显着分歧,这可以促进有意义的改革。