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Examining Relations Between Sexualizing Media Exposure and Sexting Attitudes and Behaviors among U.S. Adolescents
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02984-5
Jennifer Stevens Aubrey 1 , Heather Gahler 1 , Elizabeth A Daniels 2, 3 , Hye Jeong Choi 4 , Ashton Gerding Speno 5

Based on social cognitive processes (Bandura, 2009), sexualizing media likely provide adolescents with credible role models for their own sexualized self-presentation in other mediated contexts, such as sexting. A survey of 6,093 US adolescents was conducted (Mage = 15.27 years, SD = 1.37; 69.1% cisgender girls; 26.8% cisgender boys, 4.2% gender-minority participants) to examine relations between three types of sexualizing media exposure (reality television, music videos, pornography) and active sexting behaviors (i.e., requesting and sending). Among cisgender boys, exposure to sexually oriented reality television was positively related to active sexting behaviors, but this link was not found for cisgender girls or gender-minority participants. Music video exposure was related to active sexting behaviors only among cisgender boys and pornography consumption was positively related to active sexting behaviors among all gender groups. A positive outcome expectancy (i.e., sexting is fun) consistently mediated these relations. A negative outcome expectancy (i.e., sexting is risky) only mediated the relations between pornography consumption and active sexting behaviors among cisgender girls. Results are discussed in light of social cognitive theory (Bandura, 2009) and the 3AM Model (Wright, 2011).



基于社会认知过程(Bandura,2009),性化媒体可能为青少年在其他中介环境中(例如色情短信)的性化自我展示提供可信的榜样。对 6,093 名美国青少年进行了调查(M年龄 = 15.27 岁,SD = 1.37;69.1% 顺性别女孩;26.8% 顺性别男孩,4.2% 性别少数群体参与者),以检查三种类型的性化媒体曝光(真人秀、音乐视频、色情)和主动色情短信行为(即请求和发送)之间的关系。在顺性别男孩中,接触性取向的真人秀节目与积极的色情短信行为呈正相关,但在顺性别女孩或性别少数参与者中没有发现这种联系。音乐视频暴露仅在顺性别男孩中与主动的色情短信行为相关,而色情消费与所有性别群体的主动色情短信行为呈正相关。积极的结果预期 (即,发送短信很有趣) 始终调解这些关系。负面结果预期 (即发送色情短信有风险) 仅介导了顺性别女孩色情消费与主动发送色情短信行为之间的关系。根据社会认知理论 (Bandura, 2009) 和 3AM 模型 (Wright, 2011) 讨论了结果。
