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High-resolution genetic map and SNP chip for molecular breeding in Panax ginseng, a tetraploid medicinal plant
Horticulture Research ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-09 , DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae257
Woohyeon Cho 1, 2 , Woojong Jang 3 , Hyeonah Shim 1, 2 , Jiseok Kim 1, 2 , Youngju Oh 1, 2 , Jee Young Park 1, 2 , Young Chang Kim 4 , Jung-Woo Lee 4 , Ick-Hyun Jo 5 , Misun Lee 6 , Jinsu Gil 6 , Martin Mascher 7 , Murukarthick Jayakodi 8 , Xuejiao Liao 9 , Jiang Xu 9 , Deqiang Dou 10 , Yi Lee 6 , Tae-Jin Yang 1, 2

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) renowned as the king of medicinal plants. Ginseng grows slowly under shade conditions, requiring at least 4 years to produce a limited number of seeds. Molecular breeding of ginseng faces challenges due to its the tetraploid genome and the absence of an efficient molecular marker system. To overcome these obstacles, we adopted genotyping-by-sequencing to delve into genetic mapping and survey genetic diversity. We constructed a comprehensive genetic map comprising 24 linkage groups, each corresponding to one of the 24 chromosomes in the ginseng genome, based on 1216 nonredundant SNPs obtained from an F2 mapping population. Additionally, 431 103 SNPs were identified from 119 diverse ginseng genotypes. From these, 192 informative subgenome-specific single copy SNPs were selected to develop a SNP chip. The SNP chip was used to genotype a large ginseng collection, encompassing registered cultivars, breeding lines, wild-simulated ginseng, and wild ginseng from various countries and regions. We evaluated the utility of the assay for molecular breeding with 919 ginseng genotypes. This breeder-friendly SNP chip promises versatility, enabling purity assessments of seeds and products, the authentication of species and cultivars, and the determination of homozygosity and homogeneity rates for breeding lines. Genotype data for 1200 ginseng genotypes are now stored in our database. This SNP chip lays the foundation for a molecular breeding in ginseng and will facilitate the breeding process in this medicinal crop.


用于四倍体药用植物人参分子育种的高分辨率遗传图谱和 SNP 芯片

人参 (Panax ginseng) 被誉为药用植物之王。人参在阴凉条件下生长缓慢,至少需要 4 年才能产生有限数量的种子。人参的分子育种因其四倍体基因组和缺乏有效的分子标记系统而面临挑战。为了克服这些障碍,我们采用了通过测序进行基因分型来深入研究遗传图谱并调查遗传多样性。我们基于从 F24 定位群体中获得的 1216 个非冗余 SNP,构建了一个由 24 个连锁组组成的综合遗传图谱,每个连锁组对应于人参基因组中 24 条染色体中的一条。此外,从 119 种不同的人参基因型中鉴定出 431 103 个 SNP。从中,选择了 192 个信息丰富的亚基因组特异性单拷贝 SNP 来开发 SNP 芯片。SNP 芯片用于对大型人参集合进行基因分型,包括来自不同国家和地区的注册品种、育种系、野生模拟人参和野山参。我们评估了该测定法对 919 种人参基因型进行分子育种的效用。这种对育种者友好的 SNP 芯片具有多功能性,能够对种子和产品进行纯度评估、物种和栽培品种的鉴定,以及确定育种系的纯合性和均一率。1200 种人参基因型的基因型数据现在存储在我们的数据库中。这种 SNP 芯片为人参的分子育种奠定了基础,并将促进这种药用作物的育种过程。