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Changing the narrative on suicide: how can the new government deliver its ambition to save lives?
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1979 Ella Fuller 1
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1979 Ella Fuller 1
England’s suicide prevention strategy still needs to be backed by sufficient resources, writes Ella Fuller A year has passed since the publication of a new national suicide prevention strategy for England.1 In that time, the political landscape has shifted and we now have a new government in place, but national data on deaths by suicide are still showing worrying trends. As outlined in last year’s strategy, welcome progress has been made over the past two decades: local suicide prevention plans and suicide bereavement services are in place in all areas of the country, and there was a 35% fall in suicides in mental health inpatient settings in England between 2010 and 2020.1 Recently published data, however, show there were still 5656 deaths by suicide in England in 2023.2 The rate of men’s lives lost to suicide remains three times higher than women. Suicide and self-harm among young people are also still on …
埃拉·富勒 (Ella Fuller) 写道,英格兰的自杀预防战略仍然需要充足的资源支持 自英国新的国家自杀预防战略发布以来已经过去了一年。1 当时,政治格局发生了变化,我们现在有了新政府已到位,但有关自杀死亡的国家数据仍然显示出令人担忧的趋势。正如去年战略中概述的那样,过去二十年取得了可喜的进展:全国各地都制定了地方自杀预防计划和自杀丧亲服务,精神卫生住院机构的自杀率下降了 35% 2010 年至 2020 年间的英格兰。1 然而,最近公布的数据显示,2023 年英格兰仍有 5656 人死于自杀。2 男性因自杀而丧生的比率仍然是女性的三倍。年轻人的自杀和自残现象也依然存在……
埃拉·富勒 (Ella Fuller) 写道,英格兰的自杀预防战略仍然需要充足的资源支持 自英国新的国家自杀预防战略发布以来已经过去了一年。1 当时,政治格局发生了变化,我们现在有了新政府已到位,但有关自杀死亡的国家数据仍然显示出令人担忧的趋势。正如去年战略中概述的那样,过去二十年取得了可喜的进展:全国各地都制定了地方自杀预防计划和自杀丧亲服务,精神卫生住院机构的自杀率下降了 35% 2010 年至 2020 年间的英格兰。1 然而,最近公布的数据显示,2023 年英格兰仍有 5656 人死于自杀。2 男性因自杀而丧生的比率仍然是女性的三倍。年轻人的自杀和自残现象也依然存在……