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Holistic modelling as a catalyst for effective obesity policy
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2023-077139
Joanna McLaughlin 1 , Carlos Sillero Rejon 2, 3 , Mike Bell 4 , Bjoern Schwander 5 , Karen Coulman 2, 6 , Hugh McLeod 2, 3

Reducing the prevalence of obesity requires multifaceted intervention, and system-wide modelling would support a move away from current piecemeal policy making towards an equitable and cost effective strategy, argue Joanna McLaughlin and colleagues Despite longstanding government rhetoric of a commitment to tackling obesity, UK policies have not provided an adequate and coherent response. A 2021 analysis of 14 key obesity policy documents since 1992 identified repeated inadequacies in policy design, implementation, and evaluation.1 The 2023 Institute for Government report on tackling obesity concluded that the government had no serious plan to meet the aim of tackling obesity and called for learning from past mistakes.2 Obesity is one of the biggest health challenges of our age; prevalence in England continues to rise and reached 26% in 2021 (32% of those aged 55-74), one of the highest rates worldwide, and shows stark inequalities by deprivation.3 It is well established that population obesity is not going to be solved through treatment or simplistic encouragement for individuals to eat less and move more.2 As a report from the UK Government Office for Science concluded in 2007, obesity is a system level problem that requires simultaneous action on multiple fronts.4 The World Health Organization’s 2022 plan for obesity further highlights the range of settings and approaches where action must be taken, including fiscal, regulatory, and lived environment interventions.5 Nevertheless, UK obesity policy includes minimal population level interventions and continues to rely on short term, individual level, treatment focused approaches12 that only a small percentage of the eligible population can access.6 The problems in policy making on obesity are symptomatic of inadequacies across many public health policy areas,78 but obesity provides a good example of the problematic influence of “nanny statism” political concerns.1 Current …



乔安娜·麦克劳克林 (Joanna McLaughlin) 及其同事认为,降低肥胖症的患病率需要多方面的干预,而全系统建模将支持从当前零碎的政策制定转向公平且具有成本效益的战略。尽管政府长期以来一直宣称致力于解决肥胖问题,但英国的政策并未提供充分和连贯的应对措施。2021 年对 1992 年以来 14 份关键肥胖政策文件的分析发现,政策设计、实施和评估一再存在不足。2023 年政府研究所关于解决肥胖问题的问题报告得出结论,政府没有认真的计划来实现解决肥胖问题的目标,并呼吁从过去的错误中吸取教训。肥胖是我们这个时代最大的健康挑战之一;英格兰的患病率继续上升,2021 年达到 26%(占 55-74 岁人群的 32%),是世界上患病率最高的国家之一,并显示出贫困造成的严重不平等。3 众所周知,人口肥胖问题无法通过治疗或简单地鼓励个人少吃多动来解决。2 正如英国政府科学办公室 2007 年的一份报告所得出的结论, 肥胖是一个系统层面的问题,需要在多个方面同时采取行动。4 世界卫生组织的 2022 年肥胖计划进一步强调了必须采取行动的环境和方法的范围,包括财政、监管和生活环境干预。5 尽管如此,英国的肥胖政策包括最低限度的人口层面干预,并继续依赖短期、 个人层面、以治疗为重点的方法12,只有一小部分符合条件的人群可以使用。6 肥胖政策制定中存在的问题是许多公共卫生政策领域不足的征兆,78 但肥胖提供了一个很好的例子,说明“保姆式国家主义”政治关注存在问题的影响。1 当前 ...