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Understanding activity and physiology at scale: The Apple Heart & Movement Study
npj Digital Medicine ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41746-024-01187-5
James Truslow 1 , Angela Spillane 1 , Huiming Lin 1 , Katherine Cyr 1 , Adeeti Ullal 2 , Edith Arnold 2 , Ron Huang 2 , Laura Rhodes 2 , Jennifer Block 2 , Jamie Stark 2 , James Kretlow 2 , Alexis L Beatty 2, 3 , Andreas Werdich 4 , Deepali Bankar 2 , Matt Bianchi 2 , Ian Shapiro 2 , Jaime Villalpando 2 , Sharon Ravindran 2 , Irida Mance 2 , Adam Phillips 2 , John Earl 2 , Rahul C Deo 4 , Sumbul A Desai 2 , Calum A MacRae 4

Physical activity or structured exercise is beneficial in a wide range of circumstances. Nevertheless, individual-level data on differential responses to various types of activity are not yet sufficient in scale, duration or level of annotation to understand the mechanisms of discrete outcomes nor to support personalized recommendations. The Apple Heart & Movement Study was designed to passively collect the dense physiologic data accessible on Apple Watch and iPhone from a large real-world cohort distributed across the US in order to address these knowledge gaps.


大规模了解活动和生理学:Apple 心脏与运动研究

体力活动或结构化锻炼在很多情况下都是有益的。然而,关于对各种类型活动的差异反应的个人层面数据在规模、持续时间或注释水平上尚不足以理解离散结果的机制,也不足以支持个性化建议。 Apple 心脏与运动研究旨在被动收集 Apple Watch 和 iPhone 上分布于美国各地的大量现实世界队列中可访问的密集生理数据,以弥补这些知识差距。
