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Cascading Macrocycle and Helix Motions in a Foldarotaxane Molecular Shuttle
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-09 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202413977
Robin Hess 1 , Marius Brenet 2 , Haingo Rajaonarivelo 2 , Maxime Gauthier 2 , Victor Koehler 3 , Philip Waelès 2 , Ivan Huc 4 , Yann Ferrand 3 , Frédéric Coutrot 5

A foldarotaxane molecular shuttle is reported that operates through orchestrated interdependent motions of the macrocycle and foldamer. Depending on the pH and concentration, stable and metastable states could be obtained. In particular, shuttling of the macrocycle triggered the gliding of the foldamer away from its best station. Conversely, the foldamer unit could compartmentalize the rotaxane axle and trap the macrocycle away from its best station.


Foldarotaxane 分子穿梭中的级联大环和螺旋运动

据报道,折叠紫杉烷分子穿梭通过大环和折叠体的协调相互依赖的运动来运作。根据 pH 值和浓度,可以获得稳定和亚稳态。特别是,大循环的穿梭触发了 foldamer 滑行离开其最佳站点。相反,折叠装置可以将轮烷轴分隔开来,并将大环车困在其最佳工位之外。