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Comprehensive remote calibration of detectors in a radiological surveillance network: From basic response to high-level data analysis
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112172
A. Cerezo , I. Reichardt , E. Prieto , R. Casanovas , C. Rovira , M. Salvadó

We present a new procedure to remotely calibrate gamma spectrometry detectors installed in the open air used in surveillance networks. The procedure includes energy calibration, determination of the energy resolution and estimation of the activity concentration. Our Proportional ROI-Cleaning algorithm (Cerezo et al., 2023) has been applied to different detector types and dimensions (LaBr3(Ce), SrI2(Eu) and NaI(Tl)). These detectors are assembled in different measuring configurations (direct and with particulate filter). The usefulness of our method as a surveillance technique was confirmed by the detection of 75Se, 131I, 192Ir and 60Co in some locations of the Radiological Surveillance Network of Catalonia (Spain).



我们提出了一种新程序,用于远程校准安装在监控网络中使用的露天伽马能谱探测器。该程序包括能量校准、能量分辨率的确定和活动浓度的估计。我们的比例 ROI 清洁算法 (Cerezo et al., 2023) 已应用于不同的检测器类型和尺寸 (LaBr 3 (Ce) 、SrI 2 (Eu) 和 NaI (Tl))。这些探测器组装在不同的测量配置中(直接和带微粒过滤器)。在加泰罗尼亚(西班牙)放射监测网络的某些位置检测到 75Se、131I、192Ir 和 60Co,证实了我们的方法作为监测技术的有用性。