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A multi-level IIOT platform for boosting mines digitalization
Future Generation Computer Systems ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2024.107501
Raúl Miñon , Juan López-de-Armentia , Lander Bonilla , Aitor Brazaola , Ibai Laña , M. Carmen Palacios , Szymon Mueller , Michal Blaszczak , Herwig Zeiner , Julia Tschuden , Mohammad Yusuf Quadri , Ignasi Garcia-Milà , Andrea Bartoli , Norbert Gormolla , Alberto Fernández , Pablo Segarra , José A. Sanchidrián , Philipp Hartlieb

This paper presents an innovative IIoT multi-level platform tailored to address the specific needs of the mining domain. The platform has been conceptualized and built in the context of the illuMINEation European project. For this purpose, mining specific use cases have been designed such as promoting underground safe areas, performing efficient mining operations or boosting predictive maintenance approaches. Then, specific requirements have been identified and, as a result, the platform has been developed. It consists of four-level layered platform: (1) edge devices layer to manage several sensors deployed in the mines; (2) edge box layer to provide in-mine operations such as filtering, streaming and processing; (3) fog layer which offers an overall perspective of each mine; and (4) cloud layer to centralize the data of all the mines and to provide powerful processing capabilities. In addition, the platform is robustly secured in terms of protecting communications confidentiality and access control and also provides a toolbox aimed at manipulating 3D complex images to obtain operable mine-domain novel user interfaces. Finally, a platform validation is proposed where three different use cases are explained to better show and demonstrate the capabilities of the platform.



本文提出了一种创新的工业物联网多级平台,旨在满足采矿领域的特定需求。该平台是在 illMINEation 欧洲项目的背景下概念化和构建的。为此,设计了采矿特定用例,例如促进地下安全区域、执行高效采矿作业或加强预测性维护方法。然后,确定了具体要求,并开发了该平台。它由四层分层平台组成:(1)边缘设备层,管理部署在矿井中的多个传感器; (2)边缘盒层,提供过滤、流式传输和处理等矿内操作; (3) 雾层,提供每个矿井的整体视角; (4)云层,集中所有矿山的数据,提供强大的处理能力。此外,该平台在保护通信机密性和访问控制方面具有强大的安全性,并且还提供了一个旨在操纵 3D 复杂图像以获得可操作的矿域新颖用户界面的工具箱。最后,提出了平台验证,其中解释了三个不同的用例,以更好地展示和演示平台的功能。