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Enhanced runoff simulation by precise capture of snowmelt variation signals with satellite-based snow products in a high-elevation basin
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131920
Zhanliang Zhu , Xiongpeng Tang , Jianyun Zhang , Lei Liu , Chao Gao , Silong Zhang , Guoqing Wang , Junliang Jin , Cuishan Liu , Haoting Xu , Yehai Tang

Hydrological models stand as a pivotal instrument for runoff simulation, while encountering notable uncertainties in output due to intricate terrain conditions and limited ground-based observations, especially in high-elevation basins. Leveraging satellite-based images presents a promising avenue for deciphering the hydrological model’s state variables. In pursuit of refining runoff simulation, this study developed a two-step enhancement strategy, which involved (1) calibrating snow-related parameters in the hydrological model using remotely sensed snow cover area (SCA) and snow water equivalent (SWE) and (2) capturing snowmelt runoff through the hydrological model and image-based products. Coupled with the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model, we adopted this strategy as a case study in the Dadu River Basin, China. The results indicated (1) the daily Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of runoff simulation reached 0.84 by the enhancement strategy, markedly surpassing the strategy reliant on soil parameters with a single calibrated reference (daily NSE of 0.66), and exhibited comparability to the strategy incorporating snow parameters but calibrated solely based on observed discharge (daily NSE of 0.83). (2) the enhancement strategy demonstrated hydrological consistency with snowmelt information derived from imagery. Specifically, multi-year average contributions of model’s and image-based snowmelt calculations were 31.8% and 33.4%, respectively. Additionally, simulated dates of snow accumulation and ablation appeared an average deviation of approximately one week compared to the imagery results. This study elucidates a potential methodological approach for offering valuable insights into hydrological processes within analogous high-elevation basins globally.